
Thursday, February 23

How to beat the Illusion of Limitations

Milind Soman participated in the three-day event held on February 17-19, 2017 and went on to win this extremely difficult physical endurance test by travelling 517.5 kilometers barefoot. Ultraman Florida is a three-day athletic endeavour guaranteed to test an athlete’s physical and mental limits.

(Excerpts from a Blog by Steve Bloom)

When you have reached your limits you:

* Do the same things over and over again
* Never see any better results
* Feel as if you’ve reached your highest level
* Struggle to push yourself past it

Definition of Limitation: They are your brain being uncomfortable with territory it’s unfamiliar with.

The truth is that limitations are an illusion.  They appear real, but fade away when you examine them more closely.

Here are some ways to break through the illusion called limitation:

* See through your limitation: It’s easier to see the illusion of limitations once you’ve passed them.  Look back on another time in your life when you did something you never thought you could do.

* Remember that doing the same things gets you nowhere: Sometimes a limitation appears to be there simply because of your approach.  Simply put: do the same things and you’ll see the same results. Change it up.  Increase the pressure and keep going past the point when you think you should stop.

* Train yourself to ignore limiting thoughts: Train your body to take over when your mind is negative.  Your body doesn’t tell you what you can’t do, it’s only there to act. That makes it perfect to overcome limiting thoughts. Want to finish running a marathon, but your mind is telling you to quit? Train your body to keep going.

Foot Notes:
Ponder upon the following in the above context: ISRO’s Achievement, Konkan Railway Feat

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